Friday, July 17, 2009

Dr. Jacobsen and Dr. Friesens's Work

The lecture that we received from these two distinguished scholars on Thursday was very informative and insightful. Thier Multi-year research and research application project has produced some very interesting results, that seem to be duplicatable and scalable.

Increased abilities and deep cognitive learning was happening at all levels in these schools from the students up through the parents, teachers and principles. These progress results were illuminated by using a newly designed chart that accurately and clearly lists the research results. This was and still is another very important part of their project in my opinion, being able to communicate complex data so that most anyone can understand it and graphically visualize it.

Some of the questions I have are about the increasing scalability of this project.

Evidence suggests that a cyclical process is at play here. With this information one must draft a clear and ongoing action process to take into account this dropping off period. Are the issues with the teachers? Their professional or lack of professional development? Or maybe its something else or a variable combination here to fore undiscovered?

I am very interested in this project because it has important implications for the applications of applied educational research in field settings.

I am going to go back and try to understand their data collection methodology. This may hold some very important research project design nuggets of precious wisdom.

Do you have any thought on this lecture and my observations concerning it?

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